Welcome to the world of animal communication
- Have you ever wondered what your pet is trying to tell you?
- Have you wondered how your pet seems to know when you’re coming home?
- Do you often feel a profound sense of connection to nature and animals?

Well, there’s no need to guess any more. At Understanding Animals I offer regular trainings where I will teach you how to communicate with your animal friends, to that you can clearly understand their needs.
I can also talk to your animal for you. If you your animal friend is exhibiting behavioural issues, or you help to improve their training or supporting them with changes in their lives, please bring the issue to me. I can chat with your friend and will work with you and the animal to help resolve it.
If you’re ready to explore these ideas further and to deepen your connection to your animal companions and all of nature, then jump in! You can choose from a variety of weekend and weeklong trainings, either in-person in Europe and Australia, or online anywhere in the world.
Jacqueline Buckingham