Hi, I’m Jacqueline and this is my story of how I discovered animal communication and became an animal communicator and teacher.
I began communicating with animals and plants as a child on the family farm in the south of England. As an adult I stopped using these skills and they took a back seat for the next three decades.
In 2001 I studied reiki which reawakened my intuitive ability. That intuitive connection deepened further in 2011 after I went to live in the Findhorn Foundation and Community in Scotland. One of the world’s oldest spiritual communities whose founding principles include ‘co-creation with the intelligence of nature’.
An innocent conversation over a cup of coffee with world-renowned animal communicator, Anna Breytenbach, set my life on a new course. One where animal communication has taken centre stage.

While living in Australia I was fortunate to be introduced to several aboriginal elders. I spent time with them in the central desert learning about their traditions and spirituality. Their deep spiritual connection with all living things touched me profoundly. It reminded me of my own love and deep respect for nature that was instilled in me as a child. While in Australia I also learned about Lakota traditions from another teacher who has become a dear friend. I learned from her about the sacred sweatlodge, and the importance of working respectfully and collaboratively with the natural world. Her teachings gave me a deep understanding of the medicine wheel, honouring the cardinal directions and the elements.
In 2011 I took part in The Art of Mentoring, a weeklong deep nature immersive retreat created by Jon Young. The experience strengthened my resolve to do more to bring people into closer relationship with the natural world. I later found out that Jon is also a mentor and friend of Anna Breytenbach. While taking part a wilderness tracking week with Jon, Anna became acutely aware of her telepathic communication abilities. The synchronicity of these connections has threaded through my journey to where I am now.

I continued to deepen my nature immersion studies and to facilitate deep ecology work developed by Joanna Macy and John Seed, as well as volunteering with the San Francisco-Quito based organisation the Pachamama Alliance since 2007. I regularly lead workshops in Deep Ecology, The Work that Reconnects, permaculture and personal empowerment.
I first met Anna Breytenbach in 2012 when I filmed a talk that Anna gave to the Findhorn Foundation community. The following year I supported Anna as she delivered her Interspecies Communication workshops at Findhorn.
In 2014, thanks to the fame of her conversation with a black leopard called Spirit, Anna was being asked to take her work to a wider global audience, however she felt that it was important that interspecies communication continued to be taught at the Findhorn Foundation. Over that cup of coffee, we agreed that I would continue to deliver the programmes at Findhorn and that Anna would mentor me as a teacher of interspecies communication.

In 2015 I created a weeklong residential programme: Animal Communication and Nature Immersion. The programme blends Anna’s interspecies communication work with Jon Young’s nature immersion and tracking skills. Together with my colleague and fellow Findhorn community member Lesley Downie, I teach these weeklong courses at Findhorn as well as a weeklong residential Level Two course and weeklong retreats.
In 2018 I expanded my work to include weekend trainings in animal communication, and I now teach weekend and weeklong, residential and non-residential courses in Australia and the UK.
In 2020, with the changes brought about by the coronavirus, I created an online version of my weekend training – a live fully-interactive version of the weekend workshop delivered on Zoom.
My passion is reconnect each person to their love of nature and to encourage and enable humans to listen to and understand the myriad beings who share this planet with us; so creating greater understanding, respect and harmony between all living beings.
One of my most inspiring moments was in December 2017 when I travelled to Namibia in Anna’s place, to teach Animal Communication on a weeklong safari on the Skeleton Coast. There I had heart-opening encounters with desert-adapted elephants, giraffe and a very special encounter with a desert lion.