What is Animal Communication?

ANIMAL COMMUNICATION, also known as interspecies communication, is a form of telepathic communication.  The ability to communicate non-verbally is a skill that we are all born with. Most of us simply stopped using it on a daily basis and have ‘forgotten’ how to do it.  However it is likely that you have already experienced this form of communication many times in your life.  You know those moments when you think of someone seconds before they call you? That is your innate telepathic communication ability at work.

When you rediscover these skills you will intuitively understand so much more about what your animal needs. Your understanding of how they perceive the world will expand exponentially.  Whether you work with animals on a regular basis, or have animal companions in your home. Animal communication will expand your experience and understanding of them. Plus, you can help them better understand the strange world of humans!

Animal communication is an important step towards restoring our heartfelt connection to other species and to all of nature. When we are profoundly connected to another living being and understand its experience of the world, we naturally have more respect for it and want to protect it.  In this way, interspecies communication is sacred ‘world work’.

Animal communication can be used in so many ways and can alleviate a lot of frustration and even save money!

  • do they like their food?
  • what will help them to stop barking?
  • why won’t they let you pet them when you want to?
  • how do they feel when you go out to work?
  • what do they need to help them relax when you go on holiday?
  • how can they easily adjust to a house move?
  • would they like another animal companion to join the family?

I answer some of these questions in my blogs. You can also find out more about how this works by scheduling a free discovery call with me via this link.

I love sharing the magical world of animal communication with other people, and I look forward to introducing you to it too!