The word ‘telepathy’ has two parts: ‘tele’ meaning ‘distance’, and ‘pathy’ from ‘pathos’ the Greek word for feeling. Telepathy literally means ‘feeling over distance’. This is a clue to how we can make sure we are successful in our communication with animals. When we learn telepathic animal communication we are learning to communicate with them in their own language.

All animal lovers know that animals are expert at picking up on our feelings. If we feel sad, they will comfort us. If we are angry or stressed, they give us space or avoid us altogether. We can’t hide our feelings from animals and if our words are not aligned with our feelings, our animal friends will know. So it is important that our words match up with what we are saying, and also that we are not flooded with emotion when we want to communicate with our animal friend.

Here are some simple steps that you can take that will help you to get your message across clearly and effectively:

  1. Be calm and clear
  2. Connect with your animal from your heart
  3. Focus on one thing at a time
  4. Use images
  5. Use feelings
  6. Express yourself in the positive

To expand on each of these.

1. Be Calm and Clear: slow down and centre yourself before communicating with your animal. You could try meditating or listening to relaxing music. Being calm and clear ensures that you are not coming to the conversation with a lot of your own emotions, which could confuse them.

2. Connect from the Heart: visualise a connection from your heart centre to your animal’s heart centre (the centre of their chest, or the heart chakra area). Then send them feelings of love and appreciation. This will establish the connection and will build understanding and trust between you. It will also get their attention!

3. Focus on One Thing at a Time: keep the communication nice and simple and communicate one thought at a time. Find the simplest way to tell them that. Give them a moment or two to receive it, and then communicate the next piece.

4. Add Images: reinforcing your words with images and feelings is one of the most effective ways we can be sure our message is getting across. When you speak the words (either out loud or silently in your mind) you can also show them an image of what you are communicating.

Example: If you want them to stop bringing mice into the house, show them what you would like – for example show them leaving it outside the back door.

5. Add Feelings: Because animals pick up emotions so easily, they are highly motivated by positive feelings. If you share a feeling to go with the image that you sent them, it will motivate them to do what you have asked. Example: send them a feeling of how happy you will be if they do the thing you are asking them to do.

6. Express Yourself in the Positive: this is especially important if you want to elicit a change in behaviour. Tell them ‘do this’ instead of ‘don’t do that’. When we say ‘don’t jump up’ they only hear ‘jump up’, the ‘don’t’ gets lost. Instead say ‘keep all four paws on the ground’.

Remember to close the conversation – this is simple good manners. We wouldn’t walk away from a conversation with a person without bringing it to a close, so do the same thing for our animal friends. You could end the conversation by thanking them – it acknowledges them for listening to us, and also lets them know that the conversation is at an end.

Try working with one of these steps at a time for a few days or a week, and see how your confidence in your own intuition increases.

It is important to remember that when we are communicating in order to change a behaviour, using this technique will not guarantee that your animal will do what you want just because you’ve shown them and told them what you want. They are individuals with their own free will. However it will yield more positive behaviours than yelling, threatening, or feeling helpless – all understandable responses when we feel exasperated!

Also, if you follow these steps and take your time, you will find that it will create deeper intimacy and understanding between you and your animal.

My introductory level trainings will give you the ability to ask questions clearly in a way that the animal understands. You will also learn to understand the animal’s responses. Details and dates of upcoming trainings are in the Workshops section.


  1. Excellent article! Telepathy is an effective method for communicating with your pets. Using the exercise, you may comprehend your companion’s problems, emotions, and feelings. Telepathy is said to be used by animals to communicate with one another. Telepathic communication is used by a flock of geese, for example, when they need to adjust their configuration. However, mastering the craft is complex and takes regular practice.

  2. Thank you for your post. I really enjoyed reading it, especially because it addressed my issue. It helped me a lot and I hope it will also help others.

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