Autumn and Spring are the best seasons for communicating with nature. These are the times of greatest change in nature’s cycles, and this year we have also seen some unusual weather patterns all over the world. This is having an impact on the animals, birds, insects, plants and trees.
Whether you are in the northern or the southern hemisphere, this is an especially good time of year to ask the nature beings around us how they are experiencing these changes. The change of season and the change to the global climate.
We can simply ask “how are you doing?” and “what do you need?”, or we can ask “is there some way I can help you?” Here are some ideas about questions you can ask, followed by a step-by-step on how to communicate with trees, birds and insects.
During the Autumn harvest

In the UK we have had an abundance of fruit this year. The apple trees are laden, the blackberries came thick and fast! Now the the forest floor is covered with acorns and sweet chestnuts. On the surface this appears to be a good thing. However, there is a traditional saying that an abundance of berries forecasts a hard winter. Is there any truth in that?
Statistics show that abundant harvests are often followed by severe winters. Meanwhile others will say that the amount of fruit is relative only to the weather that preceded it, and cannot be a forecast of what’s to come.
So which is true? Are the trees producing more fruit to ensure their progeny survive a harsh winter? Or have they simply had ideal conditions for a bumper harvest?
What do the trees have to say about it?
How about the birds, insects and animals?
The berries and nuts came much earlier than usual, which can play havoc with the rhythms of the birds, animals and insects that rely upon the autumn harvest to see them through the winter. Unless they change their routine and begin gathering stores earlier, by the time they start their harvesting activity many of those resources can be gone.
We can also ask the animals and birds how they are coping with this abundant but much-earlier-than-usual harvest. Has it affected them in any way, and if so, how?
Enjoy playing with this as you sit with the berry bush or the apple tree in your garden, or with the oak and sweet chestnut on your walk through the woods. Ask the birds that come to the feeder or pond, or the bees that are still harvesting nectar.
At the Emergence of Spring

Across much of the southern hemisphere the winter months have been very wet, compounding the effect of a very wet summer. That heavy rainfall is continuing now into spring in some places. As a result, the ground has not been able to dry out and is so water-logged that the rain is simply running off.
You might be curious about how the trees manage when their roots are in wet soil for so long. How were they able to survive the excessively wet winter? In Spring the trees and plants draw on their winter reserves of energy so they can put forth leaves again. Do they have enough reserves to do that and grow strong and healthy in the summer?
What do the trees have to tell us about how they are coping with the changes to our climate?
We can also ask the animals, insects and birds how they are coping with so much water around. You might ask “have you had to adapt your spring behaviours?”. You can ask the burrowing animals, “do you have enough places to raise your young?”. “Is there anything you need from us?”
What about the insects? Are they finding it harder to gather pollen? We can ask “how is the weather affecting you in the spring?”. Most of all we can ask them “how can we help you?”. “What do you need from humans?” “How can we help you to thrive?”
Enjoy playing with this as you sit with the bottle brush or wattle in your garden, or with the trees on your walk through the forest. Ask the birds that come to the feeder or pond, or the bees and butterflies harvesting nectar.
To have a conversation with a tree, plant, bird or insect… or an animal, follow the steps below. And have fun!
How to communicate with a tree or insect

To communicate with a tree or plant, the basic approach is the same as you would to communicate with an animal…
- Centre and settle yourself, and become fully present to this moment
- Imagine projecting heart energy or loving energy to the tree, plant, bird or insect
- Notice if you can feel the connection – it might feel warm or ‘buzzy’
- Now simply ask them using words or picture, out loud or silently in your mind – “How are you doing?” or “What can I do to help you?”
- Ask the question and then quietly listen for their response. It may come as words, pictures, thoughts, ideas or physical sensations
- You could ask more questions and listen for answers, or you could simply have a conversation with them just as you would with another human… or with an animal
This is co-creation with nature and it’s one of the gifts of being able to communicate with all species. The ability to check in with them and ask what they need and then to be able to support those needs. It is a beautiful co-operative dance between humans and the natural world, and it’s a joy to be part of it.

I’d love to know how you got on with this activity and what you learned from them. Please post in the comments section below or email me.
If you’d like to find out more about how to communicate with animals, plants or tree, there is one more course taking place in 2022. There will also be more introductory trainings and refresher courses in 2023. Details of some of those are in this email.
Featured image: james_givens_unsplash. Other images courtesy of Pixabay and unsplash